The Evolve Reach Admissions Assessment (A2®) Exam measures basic skills in the following academic content areas:
- Math: (55 items) Focuses on math skills needed for health care fields, including basic addition, subtraction, multiplication, fractions, decimals, ratio and proportion, household measures, and general math facts.
- Reading Comprehension: (55 items) Provides reading scenarios in order to measure reading comprehension, including: identifying the main idea, finding meaning of words in context, passage comprehension, making logical inferences, etc.
- Vocabulary and General Knowledge: (55 items) Contains basic vocabulary that is often used in health care fields.
- Grammar: (55 items) Contains basic grammar including: parts of speech, important terms and their uses in grammar, and commonly occurring grammatical errors.
- Additional questions on the following topics will be included but not used in score determination:
- Learning Styles: 14 item assessment of the applicant’s preferred learning style.
- Personality Style: 14 item assessment of personality related to the applicant’s preferred learning style.
- Applicants will receive a printout of study tips based on their learning style and personality profile.
- Total time available to test: 4 hours
For more information on the A2 Exam, please view the FAQs below.