Program requirements for health programs offered within the Alabama Community College System may be reviewed and revised between publication deadlines for this and future College Catalog and Student Handbook documents. Admission requirements below were in effect at the time this document was published and may or may not be current. Prospective students should contact the program office to obtain requirement updates. The Surgical Technology program will admit students to the program once each year in Fall Semester. Students are admitted to the Surgical Technology program without discrimination regarding color, age, creed, marital status, race, religion, sex, or national origin. Wallace Community College complies with The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Students who have a disability and require accommodation should contact Disability Support Services on the Wallace Campus in Dothan. Applicants must meet College requirements for admission and will be considered for admission into the program based on past academic achievement and performance on the ATI Test of Essential Academic Skills (ATI TEAS®).

The application will be made available beginning March 1 each year and will be due by a designated date and time denoted within the application information. Upon admission to the program, all students must submit a program health form and immunization records.

Important Information

1. Unconditional admission to the College

2. Status of good standing with the College

3. Submission of a completed online application for the Surgical Technology program, including:

a. Completed program application
b. Essential functions form
c. Copies of transcripts (unofficial will suffice) from all colleges previously attended, including WCC.
d. Scores from the ATI Test of Essential Academic Skills (ATI TEAS®) taken within three (3) years of program application.

4. Minimum 2.0 cumulative college GPA or high school if no prior college attendance (GED® acceptable in lieu of high school transcript)

5. Minimum of 2.5 grade point average for the last 24 hours of college credit for students with previous college work OR high school diploma or GED for students with no previous college work. High school credits will not be used in calculating grade point average, except as required in the Early Admission for Accelerated High School Students program.

6. Eligibility at the time of program application for ENG101, English Composition I, MTH 100, Intermediate College Algebra, and BIO 201, Human Anatomy and Physiology I.

Admission to the Surgical Technology program is competitive. Applications received will be ranked based upon a scoring system related to the above requirements. Meeting the minimum requirements does not guarantee acceptance.

Initial acceptance will be provisional upon the student’s ability to perform essential functions, have negative substance abuse screening results, and receive clinical attendance approval of findings from a required criminal background check. Random substance abuse screening will be conducted throughout program enrollment.

Applications will be processed following the application deadline. All applicants will receive notification of acceptance status via their student email. No information regarding the status of an application will be given over the telephone.

Applicants should allow minimum of (6) weeks after the application deadline for applications to be processed.

Spaces available for acceptance will be limited by the availability of clinical sites, as well as classroom space and instructor availability. The target class size is expected to have a maximum of 15 students per year, pending applicant eligibility.

A 90-100
B 80-89
C 75-79
D 60-74
F 59 and below

In order to progress in the surgical technology program, the student must:

1. Progress through the required Surgical Technology curriculum in the prescribed sequence.

2. Achieve a grade of C or higher in all academic and program-prefix courses required in the Surgical Technology program curriculum.

3. Maintain a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or higher in all Wallace Community College coursework.

4. Be acceptable by clinical agencies for clinical experiences and comply with clinical affiliates and program regulations, policies, and procedures.

5. Maintain the ability to meet the Essential Functions for the Surgical Technology program with or without reasonable accommodations. A copy of the essential functions is available from the program office and published on the College website,

6. Maintain current CPR certification at the health care provider level.

Students who break enrollment in Surgical Technology program courses, whether by personal choice or inability to progress per program policy, can reapply for reinstatement the following academic year for the term of the program in which the interruption occurred. Written notification of intent to reapply must be received by the Program Director no later than mid-term of the semester prior to the one the student desires to enter. For example, a student who withdraws during Spring Semester 2020 and desires to re-enter the program Spring Semester 2021 must submit a written request prior to mid-term Fall Semester 2020. Program or course remediation may be required depending on the student’s GPA and the stage of the program at which the curriculum break occurs. Readmission may be limited by availability of class and/or clinical openings. A student may be considered for readmission only once. Students who break enrollment more than once or fail to return to the program within a 12-month timeframe must apply and compete for admission as a new program student. All students applying for readmission must follow admission and progression guidelines in effect at the time of reentry.

Effective September 12, 2012 there shall be no auditing allowed for any Health Science classes.

Students previously enrolled in other regionally accredited surgical technology programs will be evaluated on an individual basis to determine appropriate placement. Validation examinations may be required. Transfer students should apply for admission by mid-term of the semester prior to that in which they desire to enroll. Acceptance may be limited by availability of openings.

Contractual agreements between the College and clinical agencies impose additional requirements on students enrolled in health programs. These requirements include, but are not limited to, the areas of attire, confidentiality, criminal background check, liability insurance, and substance abuse screening. Health insurance coverage is strongly recommended as the expense for treatment of injury suffered during training is the responsibility of the student. Any student denied clinical privileges or having clinical privileges revoked by a healthcare facility due to positive background findings or clinical misconduct is not eligible for program admission or readmission.