Program requirements for health programs offered within the Alabama Community College System may be reviewed and revised between publication deadlines for this and future College Catalog and Student Handbook documents. Admission requirements below were in effect at the time this document was published and may or may not be current. Prospective students should contact the program office to obtain requirement updates. The Surgical Technology program will admit students to the program once each year in Fall Semester. Students are admitted to the Surgical Technology program without discrimination regarding color, age, creed, marital status, race, religion, sex, or national origin. Wallace Community College complies with The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Students who have a disability and require accommodation should contact Disability Support Services on the Wallace Campus in Dothan. Applicants must meet College requirements for admission and will be considered for admission into the program based on past academic achievement and performance on the ATI Test of Essential Academic Skills (ATI TEAS®).
The application will be made available beginning March 1 each year and will be due by a designated date and time denoted within the application information. Upon admission to the program, all students must submit a program health form and immunization records.