Mission Statement
In its commitment to provide accessible education options for associate degree or diploma prepared Registered Nurses who wish to advance their academic degree, Wallace Community College and four-year universities across the state have established near seamless pathways for achievement of the BSN degree. Essentially, RN to BSN Mobility is divided into two parts. The initial activities consist of enrollment in additional general academic courses required to meet the course requirements for a four-year degree. Providing these academic requirements under the tuition rate of the two-year college system is WCC’s role in this partnership. As completion of required academic courses nears, transfer application and enrollment in the four-year school of choice is pursued. Credit for basic nursing courses is awarded to an RN pursuing mobility with each transfer institution comprising their remaining nursing requirements of content specific to their program’s preparation. These remaining nursing requirements are completed through distance education in one calendar year and the BSN degree is awarded by the chosen four-year university. In other words, a Registered Nurse remains employed in his/her local community, continues the things that typically encompass their lives, and receives a BSN degree from the institution of their choice. The outlay of four-year tuition dollars is for the remaining nursing courses — the rest of the degree requirements are at the two-year rate!