Minimum Admission Requirements
(Effective Fall semester 2011)

  1. Unconditional admission to the college.
  2.  Submit complete online application for admission to the Radiologic Technology Program by the published deadline. The application should include the following uploaded documents in pdf format:
    1.  Proof of Unconditional Admission to the College
    2.  RAD Program Application
    3. All high school and college transcripts or official GED scores (official copies to the College and unofficial uploaded to the application )
    4. A2® Admission Assessment test scores (copy is acceptable)
  3. Applicants must be at least 18 years of age. (Alabama Regulations For Control of Radiation Rule 420-3-03(6), “Occupational Radiation Dose Limits” states that all occupational workers employing ionizing radiation must be at least 18 years of age).
  4. A minimum of 2.50 cumulative GPA for students with previous college work.
  5. A minimum of 2.50 high school GPA for students without prior college work (GED acceptable in lieu of high school transcript).
  6. Applicants must be eligible for placement into the following courses:
    1. ENG 101, English Composition I
    2. MTH 100, Intermediate College Algebra
    3. BIO 201, Human Anatomy & Physiology I
  7. Applicants must be in good standing with the College.
  8. Applicants must meet the Technical Standards required for Radiologic Technology Programs.

Admission to the Radiologic Technology Program is competitive, and the number of students is limited by the number of faculty and clinical facilities available. Meeting the minimum requirements does not guarantee acceptance. Admission shall be provisional upon the student’s ability to perform essential functions, have negative substance abuse screening results, and receive clinical attendance approval of findings from a required criminal background check. Random substance abuse screening will be conducted throughout program enrollment. Following admission to the Program, all students must submit a completed physical examination form, including immunization status documentation and verification of the ability to perform essential functions related to this program.

General Qualifications for ARRT Certification

  • Individuals must satisfy general qualifications for certification in accordance with The American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) guidelines. The ARRT is the board that administers the national certification examination upon completion of an accredited Radiologic Technology Program. A candidate for certification by the ARRT must meet the ethics, education and examination requirements as described in The American Registry of Radiologic Technologists Rules and Regulations and ARRT Standards of Ethics.
  • In order to take this examination, individuals must be of good moral character. Generally, the conviction of a felony or any other offense or misdemeanor, or a felony involving moral depravity, indicates a lack of good moral character for ARRT purposes.
  • Please see the Radiologic Technology Program Director for advisement if the previous statement applies.

Upon admission to the Program, all students must complete a health form including immunization records.

Admission to the Radiologic Technology Program shall be provisional depending upon the student’s ability to pass an initial drug screen. Students may be subjected to random drug testing during the length of the Program.

Re-admission Policy

Students who interrupt the progression through the Radiologic Technology Program must apply for re-admission to the Program. A student who fails to progress during the first semester of the Program must reapply for acceptance as a new student. Students must submit a re-admission request no later than mid-term of the term prior to a planned re-entry. The Program will provide the student a plan for re-admission. The student may be considered for re-admission only once.
Re-admission to the Program also depends upon the availability of clinical space. Students in regular progression in the Program have first option on clinical space.

Re-admission requires:
A 2.5 cumulative GPA in all course work.
That no longer than 33 months may elapse from initial admission term to date of graduation.
All students who are readmitted must prove competency in all previous coursework as prescribed by the Program and successfully complete any RAD course in which a “D” or “F” were received.
Ability to meet and comply with standards and policies in the current College Catalog and Student Handbook.
Students who have been dismissed from two clinical facilities are ineligible for re-admission.
Any student dismissed from the College for academic or disciplinary reasons will not be considered for re-admission.

Transfer Policy

Receiving advance placement in the Radiologic Technology Program requires:

  1. Unconditional admission to the College with clear academic status.
  2. Ability to meet and comply with standards and policies in the current College Catalog and Student Handbook.
  3. Minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.5.
  4. That no longer than 33 months elapse from the initial admission term to date of graduation.
  5. Official transcripts verifying a minimum grade of “C” earned in courses which represent collegiate coursework relevant to the degree with course content and level of instruction resulting in student competencies at least equivalent for those matriculating students. Alabama College System Standardized Radiologic Technology Curriculum courses will be transferred without review of the course syllabus. Verification of knowledge and/or skills may be required.
  6. Eligibility to return to previous Radiologic Technology Program in good standing.
  7. No more than one semester in which a grade of “D” or “F” has been earned in a radiography course.
  8. Completion of 25% of total required hours for the A.A.S. Degree in Radiologic Technology at institution conferring degree.