Select a location below to sign-up for WorkKeys® testing.

Frequently Asked Questions

 The purpose of the TABE®  test  is to:

  • Place a student at the proper level in an adult basic education program
  • Help educators track student progress by diagnosing student’s specific strengths and needs
  • Track the progress of individual students both pre and post-test
  • Assess a student’s mastery of basic academic skills needed for a particular career path
  • Assist in making decisions about training and assignments in employment

The new computer-based GED® test measures the critical-thinking and problem-solving skills that colleges and employers are looking for.  The test is comprised of four content areas:

  • Reasoning Through Language Arts (RLA) (150 minutes
  • Mathematical Reasoning (115 minutes
  • Science (90 minutes)
  • Social Studies (70 minutes)


  • Student enrolled in our program may be eligible for a scholarship that covers the entire cost of the GED® test. Speak to your instructor about your options and eligibility.


  • Without a scholarship the cost of the test is $144.00 for the complete battery or $36.00 per content area.  There are 4 content areas which can be taken individually or as selected by the examinee.  Examinees must register online at: or call 1-877 EXAM GED® (392-6433) to register, schedule and pay for the GED® test on computer. Credit and debit cards are acceptable forms of payment.  

Testing Locations

  • Dothan Campus, Gary Hall, 1141 Wallace Drive, Dothan, AL  36303 (334) 556-2373 
  • Sparks Campus in Eufaula, Room 1 in the Administrative Building,  3235 South Eufaula Ave. Eufaula, AL  36027 (334) 687-3543, ext. 4249 or ext. 2373.

  • Wallace Community College is a proud participant in a state-wide initiative that pays for the full cost of taking the official GED® test for any individual who takes and successfully passes the GED® Ready Practice test.


  • “See4Free” allows individuals to come in to Wallace Community College’s Adult Education center to register for, and take free GED® Ready practice tests.  Upon receiving a “Likely to Pass” on the practice test, participants will then be awarded a voucher to cover the cost of the official GED test, with no class attendance needed.


  • For participants that do not pass any or all of the GED Ready practice tests, they provided free GED® prep classes to assist them with passing the tests in their deficient areas. Students are provided with multiple opportunities to take the GED Ready and GED® tests at no cost while attending GED® prep classes.


  • ACT® WorkKeys® assessments are the cornerstone of the ACT workforce solutions. The assessments help you measure the workplace skills that can affect your job performance. WorkKeys assessments are:


  • Unique—Unlike other assessments, they don’t simply give an indication of reading and writing competency. Instead, they measure a range of hard and soft skills relevant to any occupation, at any level, and across industries.


  • Recognized—Successful completion of WorkKeys assessments can lead to earning a National Career Readiness Certificate® (NCRC®)—a credential that verifies foundational workplace skills. Tens of thousands of employers recognize the value of the NCRC, and many recommend the credential to candidates.


  • With WorkKeys, you’re in control. You can take the assessments on your own time, as many times as you want, and only share scores with employers when you’re ready. Each assessment offers varying levels of difficulty. The levels build on each other, incorporating the skills assessed at the previous levels. For example, at Level 5, individuals need the skills from Levels 3, 4, and 5. The complexity can also increase as the quantity and/or density of the information increases.

Applied Math

  • At some point, many of us sat in math class and asked ourselves, “When am I going to use this?” We may not have believed it, but the answer in a variety of professions is, “Every day!” The Applied Math assessment measures critical thinking, mathematical reasoning, and problem solving techniques for situations that actually occur in today’s workplace. While individuals may use calculators and conversion tables to help with the problems on the assessment, math skills are still needed to think them through.

Graphic Literacy

  • Workplace graphics come in a variety of formats, but all communicate a level of information. From charts to graphs, diagrams to floor plans, identifying what information is being presented and understanding how to use it are critical to success. The Graphic Literacy assessment measures the skill needed to locate, synthesize, and use information from workplace graphics. 

Workplace Documents

  • Employees need to be able to understand written text to do a job. The Workplace Documents assessment measures the skill people use when they read and use written text such as memos, letters, directions, signs, notices, bulletins, policies, and regulations on the job.