The Practical Nursing (PN) program at Wallace Community College, Dothan, Alabama welcomes applications from all qualified individuals who wish to pursue a Certificate in Practical Nursing. Applicants must meet all College and program requirements for admission. While admission is competitive, acceptance depends on the size and qualifications of the applicant pool. Seating is limited, therefore the most qualified students are chosen.

Please note: Meeting all admission criteria does not guarantee acceptance into the program.

Apply to Wallace Community College (WCC). Acceptance to WCC is the first step for application to the Practical Nursing (PN) program. You must complete a WCC application and be UNCONDITIONALLY ACCEPTED to WCC prior to applying to the PN program.

Applications to WCC can be submitted online at .

For additional information regarding admission to WCC, contact the Admissions Office at (334) 556-2468 or visit the College website at

For questions about your application to WCC, please contact the Office of admissions at (334) 556-2468 or email

Minimum admission standards for the PN program include:

1.  Completed WCC admissions application with the status of “Unconditional Admission”.

2.  Student must submit a completed online application for the PN program by the published deadline.

3.  Minimum GPA of 2.3 on a 4.0 scale based on the last 24 credit hours for students with previous college coursework OR a 2.3 cumulative GPA at Wallace Community College. (Please see “How will my GPA be calculated?” below.)

4.  Student must have completed or be eligible to enroll in ENG101 (English Composition I),  Mathematical Applications (MTH116 or higher), and BIO201 (Anatomy and Physiology I)  (Any required pre-requisites to these courses must be completed by the PN  application deadline.)

  • Eligibility for ENG101, MTH116, and BIO201 – refer to college website for placement.

5.  Be in good standing with WCC (as defined by the college catalog).

6.  Meet the essential functions or technical standards required for nursing. Please refer to “The Alabama Community College System Nursing Programs Essential Functions”.

You are strongly encouraged to attend a Practical Nursing information session.

These sessions provide an excellent overview of the WCC Practical Nursing program. It will also give you an opportunity to hear questions of other interested applicants. Topics covered are admission criteria, application process, costs, and curriculum. Students are welcomed on a walk-in basis and do not need an appointment to attend. Sessions last approximately 30 minutes.

For more information regarding these sessions contact the PN program office at (334) 556-2220.

For questions regarding the ACCUPLACER® Inventory, Biology ACCS Challenge Exam or TEAS®, please contact Testing Services:

Wallace Campus, Dothan – (334) 983-3521, ext. 2294, ext. 2281
Sparks Campus, Eufaula – (334) 983-3521, ext. 4249, ext. 4210
Online –

Admission to the Practical Nursing program operates in accordance with criteria mandated by the Alabama Department of Postsecondary Education. Students applying to the PN program are required to take an academic entrance test, the ATI Test of Essential Academic Skills, (TEAS®).

TEAS® measures basic skills in reading, mathematics, science, english and language usage. Scores from the TEAS® test are good for three (3) years.  No cut-off score has been established for the TEAS®, but ranking points for selection of applicants will be based on the test score received.  A pdf copy of the TEAS® score report form must be uploaded to the online practical nursing application.

Information about the TEAS® can be found through WCC Testing Services; however, applicants must create an account at to register, pay, and schedule a date for testing.  The TEAS test is given on the Sparks Campus in Eufaula and on the Wallace Campus in Dothan. 

Please note:  Students who have taken the TEAS® at any location other than WCC will be required to have official scores transferred to WCC. ATI assesses a $30.00 fee to transfer these scores.

Applications to the PN program are accepted twice a year for fall and spring semesters.

Applications are available online at

To apply to the PN program, you will first need to be admitted to Wallace Community College (WCC). You must be unconditionally admitted to Wallace Community College by the PN program application deadline. Once you have an A# (student number), you will use your email and password to be able to begin the PN application.

It is important to note that the PN application must be complete at the time it is submitted. Incomplete applications will not be processed for possible admission to the PN program. A checklist will be provided for your direction and convenience.

The approximate cost of the PN program is $13,040.50 for day students and $14,128.50 for evening/weekend students. Student financial assistance programs at WCC can assist you with meeting the cost of your education. All students are encouraged to apply Additional alternative loan information can be found at (call toll-free 1-888-272-5543) or by contacting Wells Fargo at 1-800-658-3567.

You are also encouraged to apply for federal student aid. In order to apply you must complete and submit a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The quickest way to apply is online using FAFSA on the Web at The code for Wallace Community College is 001018. Financial aid offices use information from the FAFSA to determine if you are eligible to receive federal student aid from grants, loans, and work-study programs. So be sure to fill out a FAFSA even if you think you won’t qualify.

Each PN applicant is required to gather all documentation listed below and upload these PDF documents to the PN online application. The online application consists of the following:

  • Practical Nursing Application General Information Checklist
  • Practical Nursing Minimum Admission Requirement Checklist
  • Practical Nursing Curriculum Selection – Site Preference
  • Transcripts from each college previously attended (including Wallace Community College)
  • TEAS® or ATI TEAS® score sheet
  • Academic Eligibility for English 101 (ENG101), Mathematical Applications (MTH116 or higher) and Anatomy & Physiology I (BIO201)
  • Biology course completion information
  • Also include ACCUPLACER, ACT®, SAT®, or ACCS Biology Placement scores if used as qualifiers for ENG101, MTH116, or BIO201.

In order to be considered for acceptance into the PN program, applicants must submit a COMPLETE ONLINE APPLICATION. INCOMPLETE APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED IN THE SELECTION PROCESS.

> For students with undergraduate level credit hours GPA will be computed based on the most recent 24 hours of undergraduate credit hours;

> For students with 24 or more credit hours at the graduate level GPA will be computed based on the most recent 24 hours of graduate level credit hours – undergraduate level credit hours are ignored;

> For students with less than 24 hours at the graduate level GPA will be computed based on the most recent 24 hours of undergraduate credit hours – graduate credit hours are ignored.

> Only transcripted hours from colleges accredited by one of the six regionally accrediting agencies (i.e. SACS) will be considered.

> High school credits will not be used in calculating GPA except as required in the Early College Enrollment Program.

Applications to the PN program will be processed following the application deadline. All applicants to the PN program will receive notification of acceptance status via their student email. No information regarding the status of an application will be given over the telephone.

Applicants to the PN program should allow minimum of (6) weeks for applications to be processed.

Applicants to the PN program are encouraged to keep all contact information current.

If there is a change in your mailing address or phone number(s), you should contact the PN program office immediately at (334) 556-2220 or

The Nursing Apprenticeship Program provides participants the ability to work and receive pay while advancing their learning.

The following is information regarding application to an apprenticeship:

1.  Must be an active, current student of Wallace Community College.

2.  Submit a Wallace Community College nursing program application during appropriate application windows and be accepted to the Nursing program.

    • Late or incomplete applications (missing resume and transcripts) will not be accepted. All nursing students enrolled in PN or RN courses (NUR 105/106) will be invited to apply for our prestigious Nursing Apprenticeship Program.

3.  Healthcare facilities will make acceptance decisions by offering apprenticeship positions to selected candidates.

4.  Participating healthcare facilities select and hire apprentices, based on the number of open positions they have available. Current employees may be selected for the apprenticeship. All apprentices sign an apprenticeship agreement.

5.  Student apprentices must commit to working for the healthcare facility and participating in on the job learning at the healthcare facility during the nursing program.  Included in working days are clinical days students are performing for nursing program clinical requirements. Apprenticeship clinical days begin in the second semester of attendance.

  • Student apprentices must apply to the Alabama Board of Nursing for an apprentice permit.
  • Student apprentices are not paid for on-campus classes, labs, or simulation. Student apprentices are paid for clinical hours, not to include simulation.
  • Student apprentices will work one on one with a licensed nurse from the healthcare facility. Students will be held accountable to the same clinical requirements as non-apprentice students in the program.
  • Nursing Program applications are posted on the Wallace Community College website.

For more Apprenticeship information, please contact Emily McIntosh, WCCD Nursing Apprenticeship Coordinator: (334) 556-2441 or

Contact Information

Primary Contact: Ms. Hannah Mixson


Office: (334) 556-2220