*** LPN-to-RN Mobility Nights/Weekends class TBA***

Apply to Wallace Community College (WCC). Acceptance to WCC is the first step for application to the Associate Degree Nursing (ADN) program. You must complete a WCC application and be UNCONDITIONALLY ACCEPTED to WCC prior to applying to the ADN program.

Application to WCC can be submitted online at https://www.wallace.edu/admissions/online-application.

For questions about your application to WCC, please contact the Office of Admissions at (334) 983-3521, (800) 543-2426, or email admissions@wallace.edu

1. Student must obtain unconditional admission to WCC. (The application to WCC is separate from the application to the ADN program.)

2. Student must submit a completed application packet for the ADN program by the published deadline.

3. Student must have a minimum GPA of 2.500.

4. Student must have completed or be eligible to enroll in ENG101 (English Composition I), MTH100 (Intermediate College Algebra) or a higher level math, and BIO201 (Anatomy and Physiology I) within the first semester of the ADN curriculum. (Any required pre-requisites to these courses must be completed by the ADN application deadline.)

5. Student must be in good standing with WCC (as defined by the college catalog).

6. Student must be able to meet the essential functions or technical standards required for nursing.

7. Student must have taken the ATI Test of Essential Academic Skills, (TEAS®) within the last three years (prior to the date of the application deadline).

Student advising is available to help guide you in selecting classes for the ADN program. you can meet with your advisor in the following ways:

  1. Upon admission to WCC, you will be assigned an advisor. You can meet with your advisor by making an appointment. Contact information for your advisor can be found on the myWCC/OneACCS portal.
  2. You can schedule an advising appointment with a member of our QEP Advising Team in Advising Services. In-person, virtual, or phone appointments are available. QEP Advising Team advisors can also be reached at (334) 556-2592 or advising@wallace.edu.
  3. Advisors are available during each open registration period. Walk-ins are welcome.

Curriculum guides for each program option are available. Students in pre-nursing may take any course that does not begin with an “NUR” prefix, prior to applying to the ADN program.

Placement in classes for math and English will be determined using testing scores from the ACCUPLACER® Inventory, the ACT® Test, or the SAT® Test.  Information for the ACCUPLACER® Inventory and for placement cut scores on each of tests is available through Testing Services.  Students whose placement requires enrollment in remedial pre-requisite courses for math or English must successfully complete the pre-requisites prior to applying to the ADN program.

Please note, BIO103 (General Biology) with a grade of “C” or higher, or qualifying placement on the ACCS Biology Challenge Exam, is required by WCC in order to progress to BIO201, Anatomy and Physiology I, BIO202, Anatomy and Physiology II, and BIO220, General Microbiology. Students who apply to the ADN program without having completed BIO201, must have successfully completed BIO103 with a “C” or higher, or must achieve a passing score on the ACCS Biology Challenge Exam, to demonstrate admission eligibility.

Students who have completed all Biology requirements, including BIO201, BIO202, and BIO220, at WCC or another college, and have received credit at WCC through the Office of Admissions and Records, will not be required to complete BIO103 in order to meet curriculum requirements.

For questions regarding the ACCUPLACER® Inventory, Biology ACCS Challenge Exam or TEAS®, please contact Testing Services:

Wallace Campus, Dothan – (334) 983-3521, ext. 2294, ext. 2281
Sparks Campus, Eufaula – (334) 983-3521, ext. 4249, ext. 4210
Online – https://www.wallace.edu/student_services/testing_services.aspx

Admission to the Associate Degree Nursing program operates in accordance with criteria mandated by the Alabama Department of Postsecondary Education. Students applying to the ADN program are required to take an academic entrance test, the ATI Test of Essential Academic Skills, (TEAS®).

TEAS® measures basic skills in reading, mathematics, science, English and language usage. Scores from the TEAS® test are good for three (3) years.  No cut-off score has been established for the TEAS®, but ranking points for selection of applicants will be based on the test score received.  A copy of the TEAS® score report form must be included as part of your nursing application.

Information about the TEAS® can be found through WCC Testing Services; however, applicants must create an account at www.atitesting.com to register, pay, and schedule a date for testing.  The TEAS test is given on the Sparks Campus in Eufaula and on the Wallace Campus in Dothan. 

Please note: Students who have taken the TEAS® at any location other than WCC will be required to have official scores transferred to WCC. ATI assesses a $27.00 fee to transfer these scores.

When you have met the admission requirements listed on above, you are eligible to apply to the ADN program. Some students opt to complete the majority of the curriculum-required general education courses prior to applying; however, this is not required.

Applications to the ADN program are accepted twice a year for fall and spring semesters. Applications are available online at  https://www.wallace.edu/programs-training/health/health-science-application-information.

To apply to the ADN program, you will submit an electronic application.

Current information about any upcoming application periods, active application dates and deadlines, and a link to apply to the ADN program will be posted under Application Information.

It is important to note that the ADN application packet must be complete at the time it is submitted. Incomplete applications will not be processed for possible admission to the ADN program. A checklist will be provided for your direction and convenience.

Applicants to the ADN program are ranked using a state-standardized point system. There are 251 possible points. Points are assigned using the following criteria:

TEAS® Score 150 possible points
A & P I 30 possible points (“A” = 30, “B” = 20, “C” = 10)
A & P II 30 possible points (“A” = 30, “B” = 20, “C” = 10)
Microbiology 30 possible points (“A” = 30, “B” = 20, “C” = 10)
GPA 3.2 or higher on last 24 hours attempted 11 possible points

1.   A completed online Associate Degree Nursing application.

2.  Transcripts from each college you have attended. (Unofficial copies are acceptable.) Although official transcripts are in the Office of Admissions and Records, you will upload copies to your ADN application. Transfer courses listed on another college’s transcript are not acceptable in lieu of a transcript from the actual college where credit was received.

3.  Documentation of eligibility for, or completion of English Composition I, Intermediate College Algebra (or a higher-level math), and Anatomy & Physiology I. Documentation may be in the form of transcripts or placement scores.  (MTH116 is not a higher-level math and is not considered for this program.)

4.  A copy of your TEAS® score report (Individual Profile). (Scores must be no older than 3 years from the ADN application deadline.)

Note: Students that have not completed Anatomy and Physiology I, Anatomy and Physiology II, or Microbiology, may submit a copy of their high school transcript with the ADN application packet for possible ranking points. High school courses that will be considered for points include Algebra II or a higher level math, Chemistry, Anatomy and Physiology, Advanced Placement or Honors Biology.

Keep copies of all ADN application material that is submitted. Once submitted, copies of materials will not be made or transferred for re-application to the ADN program or for application to any other program.

For admission purposes, nursing programs will calculate a GPA based on the applicant’s last 24 hours of college credit. Hours will be counted in reverse chronological order. If 24 credit hours are reached in the middle of a term, grades/hours in the odd term will be chosen in such a way as to benefit the student.

If a student is at the graduate level and has received less than 24 credits at that level, the most recent 24 hours of undergraduate credits will be used in the GPA calculation – graduate credit hours will be ignored.

Neither a GED nor high school credits will be used in calculating a GPA except as required in the Early College Enrollment Program. Students with no prior college work will be considered to be in compliance with the minimum GPA requirements for ADN application purposes.

ADN applications will not be reviewed until after the application deadline. All applications are reviewed for completion and ranked by the ADN Admissions Committee. All students that apply to the ADN program will receive notification of their acceptance status via the email provided on the application.

Please allow a minimum of six (6) weeks from the application deadline for applications to be processed. No information regarding the status of an application will be given over the telephone.

Admission to the Associate Degree Nursing program is competitive and the number of students is limited by the number of faculty and clinical facilities available. Meeting minimal requirements does not guarantee acceptance.

Applicants accepted to the ADN program will be required to complete a background screen. Students should be aware that a fee will be charged to complete this requirement. Criminal findings may prohibit enrollment into the ADN program. Nothing should be completed prior to notification from the ADN program.

Applicants accepted to the ADN program will receive a listing of health requirements, to include information about a physical examination and drug screening. Information regarding health requirements and drug screening will be provided at new-student orientation for ADN students. Nothing should be done prior to notification from the ADN program.

Applicants accepted to the ADN program must maintain certification in CPR at the health care provider level throughout the program. Information regarding requirements for CPR will be provided at new-student orientation for ADN students.