Certified Medication Assistants are trained individuals who specialize in administering medication to people who need assistance receiving medications, such as the elderly, disabled, or those in treatment facilities.  A MAC is typically a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) or Certified Medical Assistant (CMA) who works in a long-term care or mental health facility under the direction of a licensed nurse.  Before enrolling in this training, you should research the company for whom you want to work to see if they do require their MAC to be a CNA or CMA.

This 6-week program provides classroom instruction and hands-on skills training to prepare students to take the Medication Assistant Certification Exam.

The fee for the course is $1200. This includes books, tuition, 2 sets of scrubs, and certification exam.

Monday-Thursday:  8:00am-1:00pm (Clinical hours are 7:00am-12:30pm on designated clinical days)

Prerequisites include:

  • A background check
  • Certified Medication Assistant Application
  • Two TB tests with results (both TB skin test results must be dated within the last 90 days)
  • Valid CNA certification
  • State issued photo ID
  • A drug screen
  • Proof of high school diploma or GED
  • Students must be at least 18 years old
  • $53.50 ABN license fee due at time of registration for MACE exam

This course is approved for senph.org, Paths for Success, Sallie Mae Loans and MyCAA.

Location:  Gary Hall, Dothan Campus
(334) 556-2202

Office Hours
Mon – Thur: 7:30 am – 4:30 pm
Fri: 7:30 am – 2:00 pm

Wallace Workforce Development Refund Policy:

Written notice of withdrawal must be sent to the course point-of-contact two weeks prior to the course start date to receive a 100% refund.

To receive a 75% refund, written notice of withdrawal must be sent to the course point-of-contact one week prior to the course start date.

If a student attends the first day of training or does not send prior written notice of withdrawal per the guidelines above, no refund will be issued.

Contact Information

Primary Contact: Melissa Cole

Email: mcole@wallace.edu

Office: 334-556-2202