Wallace Community College Dean of Student Success and Sparks Campus Mickey Baker receives a proclamation from Eufaula’s Mayor Jack Tibbs declaring the month of April “Community College Month” in the City of Eufaula.
The City of Eufaula has proclaimed the month of April as “Community College Month” in Eufaula. Mayor Jack Tibbs presented Mickey Baker, Dean of Student Success and Sparks Campus for Wallace Community College with a proclamation on Tuesday, April 4, 2023. “Community College Month” nationwide acknowledges the importance of community colleges and their impact on the communities they serve.
“Wallace would like to thank the City of Eufaula for recognizing the impact that Wallace Community College and other community colleges make on the areas they serve,” said Dean Baker. “We are grateful for the City’s support of our Sparks Campus here in Eufaula.”
Community colleges attract students from all backgrounds and educational levels with their mission of providing open access and affordability to those seeking a post-secondary degree or credential, giving everyone the opportunity to succeed. Community colleges provide students with the ability to increase their earning potential and assist the community in economic development and industry recruitment by producing a highly skilled and highly trained workforce.
Wallace Community College enrolls approximately 4,000 credit students in its academic, health science and career technical education programs each term, and serves approximately 2,000 students annually through its adult education, workforce training programs, and continuing education programs.
Additionally, the College has a significant impact on the local economy. A recent study provided by Lightcast found the total economic impact of the College on its Wiregrass service area for 2020-21 was just under $164 million annually. The study also concluded that one out of every 49 jobs in the Wallace service area (or approximately 3,000 jobs total) was supported by the activities of the College and its students. The average associate degree Wallace graduate will see an increase of $8,500 in earnings each year compared to someone with a high school diploma working in Alabama.
For more information about programs and services offered by Wallace Community College, please visit wallace.edu.