November 24, 2020
While driving to class one day, something clicked for high school student Beverly Still. She always thought she was going to be an interior decorator, but her plans changed that day. “One day I was driving to school in March going to my classes that morning, and I went ‘I’m going to miss high schoolRead More
November 20, 2020
The Wallace Community College – Dothan welding department is giving students the opportunity to have a real-life work environment with a new hands-on simulator. Joey Jackson, Welding Technology instructor, said having the simulator is a way for students to get out of the booths and see some of the obstacles they will face once theyRead More
November 17, 2020
MONTGOMERY – Current high school and college students interested in pursuing careers in Alabama’s multi-billion dollar automotive industry have two weeks to apply for a scholarship to use at one of Alabama’s community colleges. The Alabama Automotive Manufacturers Association and Alabama Community College System have partnered to provide a total $189,000 in scholarships, as wellRead More
November 17, 2020
Raven McDonald graduated from Abbeville Christian Academy in 2003 and went straight off to a university. After a little time there, she found that it wasn’t what she thought it was going to be. That’s when she talked to some friends about Wallace Community College – Dothan, and decided to enroll in the cosmetology program.Read More
November 12, 2020
Victoria Helms knew she wanted to be a labor and delivery nurse after having her first child. That experience led her to Wallace Community College – Dothan where she earned her associate degree. Helms graduated from Abbeville Christian Academy in 2011, and from Wallace in December 2014. She began working at Southeast Health in LaborRead More
November 12, 2020
Wallace Community College is preparing to “step up” for the upcoming spring 2021 semester with on-campus opportunities to tour the Dothan and Sparks campuses and get set for spring classes. The College has several application and registration opportunities for new and returning students. It’s not too early to apply and register! On-Campus Assistance for allRead More
November 9, 2020
Demetrick Williams wasn’t sure what he wanted to do in life, but after taking a dual enrollment class in high school, he found that he enjoyed electrical technology. After graduating from Abbeville High School in 2012, he enrolled at Wallace Community College – Dothan and began working toward an associate degree. “I really didn’t knowRead More
November 6, 2020
During the COVID-19 pandemic, many classes have had to change. With social distancing and stricter guidelines in place, students may not have gotten to experience what was the normal college experience. Though the normal has changed, Wallace Community College – Dothan has continued to give students the best all around experience. For health science programs,Read More
November 5, 2020
In the fall of each year, a number of Wallace Community College-Dothan students pack a little bit of home and transfer to four-year colleges or universities, excited for their next big adventure. For many WCCD students, it is also an opportunity to excel with new peers who also have high expectations. The journey to succeedRead More
October 28, 2020
Ellen Sheppard was reading a book and came across a story about someone who learned to walk again through physical therapy. It was then that she knew becoming a physical therapist assistant was what she was meant to do. “I read about this guy who couldn’t walk, learn how to walk again. The idea thatRead More