Answers to the most commonly asked Financial Aid questions.

The federal school code for Wallace Community College is 001018.

Wallace Community College participates in the Federal Pell Grant, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG), and the Federal Work Study program. The College also certifies Veterans for various benefits. Additionally, the College offers institutional and privately funded scholarships, as well as Workforce Investment Act funds.

For a complete list of the financial aid available, please refer to the College Catalog and Student Handbook or the financial aid Web page at

Wallace Community College awards Academic, Allied Health and Nursing, Athletic, Technical, Performing Arts and Diplomat scholarships that are awarded to student who excel academically, exhibit outstanding leadership skills or possess talent in the area of music or the arts.

WCC also offers Senior Adult Scholarship for tuition to our students aged 60 or over if space is available in the class(es). Senior Adult Scholarship

PACT (Prepaid Affordable College Tuition) is also a form of financial aid processed through the Financial Aid Office. Any scholarships outside of those awarded by Wallace Community College are accepted as well.

Students may check the status of their financial aid by accessing their myWCC (OneACCS) account located on the WCC homepage. This account can be utilized to check for records that are required by the Financial Aid Office as well as the amount of any aid that has been awarded.

Under normal circumstances, the FAFSA application will be processed and sent to the schools listed on the application within five business days. Wallace Community College’s Financial Aid Office will correspond only with students who have placed our school code (001018) in the first position of the school codes choices.

Students may appeal the suspension of aid by completing the Request for Appeal – Suspension for Completion Rate/GPA form. Documentation of medical issues or extenuating circumstances is also required. The Request for Appeal form can be located on WCC home page by clicking the current students tab, then selected Records and online forms. The Director of Financial Aid will review all applications. After reviewing the documentation and the student file, the Director may place the student on financial aid probation, allowing aid to be reinstated or aid may remain suspended. Students will be notified in writing of the decision and requirements.

1098T’s are mailed by January 31 of each year.