Engineering Graphics

Engineering Graphics encompasses many divergent fields of study, including Aerospace, Architectural, Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, Piping, Structural, and Technical Illustrating. All of these fields focus on the ability to communicate by using a graphic language.

Graphic communication is the ability to translate ideas and rough sketches into finished drawings that can be used to manufacture or assemble the desired product. These drawings are produced with the aid of specialty drawing and measuring instruments and the use of special computer programs.

Students in this program learn basic drafting techniques as well as advanced topics within the fields of:

  • Architectural Design
  • Mechanical Design
  • 3-D Design

Computer-Aided Drafting and Design (CAD) is an essential part of this program and is explored in depth.

Program Information

Mr. Mike Jernigan, Instructor


Office: (334) 556-2261

Degree Offered: Associate in Applied Science, Certificate, & Short Term Certificate

Pathway Map: Click To View