Law Enforcement

The Law Enforcement Concentration will prepare students with the knowledge and skills necessary for employment as an entry-level law enforcement officer.

A law enforcement officer is an official representative of government who is entrusted with a wide variety of duties. Regardless of the type and size of the organization they work for, law enforcement officers are expected to perform in a professional manner. The highly competitive nature of obtaining most law enforcement positions requires applicants to be prepared academically, be physically fit, as well as have the hands-on skills necessary to do the job.

Many entry-level applicants for law enforcement positions are encouraged or required to have completed at least two years of formal post-secondary education.

Photo of Criminial Justice driving simulator

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“Wisdom is knowing the right path to take. Integrity is taking it.” M.H. McKee

Program Information

Jason Owen, Division Director


Office: (334) 556-2247

Torrance Laney


Office: (334) 687-3543 ext. 4224

Pathway Map: Click To View