It is the policy of Wallace Community College to provide reasonable accommodations for environmental and program accessibility for individuals with a disability as defined in Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA). To that end, the Disability Support Services department serves as the central campus resource for student with disabilities. Working in partnership with students, faculty and staff members, the goal of Disability Support Services is to provide a physically and educationally accessible College environment that ensures that an individual is viewed on the basis of ability, not disability.

Disability Support Services staff members work individually with students to determine appropriate accommodations that will enable all students to have access to the same programs and services and to evaluate students’ academic performance, to the extent possible, without the limiting effects of a disability.

⇒ Ryan Spry, Director, Student and Campus Services
Cunningham Hall, Room 403, Dothan Campus
(334) 556-2587
Mondays-Thursdays – 7:30-4:30; Friday – 7:30-2:00

⇒ Terri Ricks, A Building, Sparks Campus
(334) 556-4270
Mondays-Thursdays – 7:30-4:30; Friday – 7:30-2:00

Important Documents

2024-2025 Disability and Accessibility Handbook (effective August 2024-July 2025)

Application for Disability Support Services (online fillable form; must have WCC student log-in credentials to access form)

Application for Disability Support Services (printable)

Updated documentation guidelines to receive disability support services (effective for Fall 2024 and beyond)

Student Information Release Authorization Form**

**Forms only accessible once student has received OneACCS login credentials from the College.