Step Into Success With Us At The Advising Center!

Academic advising at Wallace Community College is designed to help students succeed and assist them in making the most of their college experience. Advisors will assist students in planning their educational process. Advising services include:

  • Short and long term academic planning
  • Information about transfer requirements
  • Course selection for programs of study
  • Information on registration procedures and class scheduling
  • Information regarding college policies
  • Assistance with academic concerns and special needs
  • Assistance with questions and concerns.

Locations and Hours

Wallace Campus

Grimsley Hall | Room 131
Phone: 334-556-6828

Sparks Campus

Building A | Room 13
Phone: 334-556-6828

-Office Hours-

Monday – Thursday | 7:30 am – 4:30 pm

Friday | 7:30 am – 2:00 pm

Frequently Asked Questions

To find the advisor assigned, students can log into their OneACCS account. The advisor will be listed under student information.

It has been shown that students who develop a good relationship with their advisors are more likely to persist and graduate. An advisor helps to promote student growth and development, and assists students in assessing their interests and abilities, examining their educational goals, and developing short- and long-range plans to meet their objectives. Advisors provide information on general education and major requirements, clarify policies and procedures, discuss educational and career options, monitor academic progress, and direct students to other resources when necessary.

The goals regarding the advising program at Wallace Community College are as follows:

  1. To provide accurate information about educational options, requirements, policies, and procedures.
  2. To help students plan educational programs consistent with their interests, educational achievements, levels, and abilities.
  3. To help students clarify educational and career goals.
  4. To assist students by monitoring their educational progress and providing feedback when requested by the student.
  5. To help students understand the relationship between academic studies and career preparation.
  6. To refer students to available resources at the College, this may help to meet their special educational needs.
  7. To establish advisor and advisee bond that connects the student to the College, ultimately enhancing the potential for student retention and success.

Both students and advisors must assume equal responsibility in the advising process.

Students are responsible for the following:

  • Reading the Catalog and Student Handbook carefully
  • Being familiar with degree programs and degree requirements
  • Seeking out answers to their questions
  • Developing self-awareness
  • Keeping scheduled appointments
  • Following through on advisor recommendations
  • Accepting ultimate responsibility for their decisions
  • Making use of all resources on campus

Advisor responsibilities include the following:

  • Being knowledgeable about college and departmental requirements, policies, and procedures
  • Maintaining adequate office hours throughout the term
  • Providing a respectful, supportive atmosphere
  • Keeping accurate records
  • Ensuring that students are provided access to services on a fair and equitable basis
  • Avoiding any personal conflict of interest as well as the appearance of a conflict
  • Discouraging students from circumventing institutional policies or regulations; and when confronted with situations in which students have violated policies, addressing the issues and referring students to the appropriate person or department
  • Recognizing the limitations of their positions and being familiar with College resources in order to make appropriate referrals
  • Maintaining confidentiality according to established standards
  • Has full-time status
  • Demonstrates rapport with student
  • Has understanding of articulation process
  • Stays abreast of changes both at the College and transferring institutions
  • Is knowledgeable of College policies and programs
  • Has a commitment to advising as a part of his or her responsibility to the College and to the student
  • Understands the crucial importance of effective advising to student retention and success

Student Orientation Advising and Registration (SOAR) All first- time college students should attend SOAR. During SOAR, students will meet with an advisor, who will assist them in planning their schedule and also explain the online registration procedures.

Web Registration. Students will access OneACCS to register for classes. For a step-by-step tutorial on how to register for classes, please click here.

What if I have not declared a major?
WCC can help you find the right fit.  Advisors have access to online career exploration tools such as Career Coach and Kuder. See your advisor for more information.

Students will want to complete an Alabama Transfers Guide as soon as possible.

Alabama Transfers is a web-accessible database system which provides guidance and direction for prospective transfer students in the State of Alabama.

Alabama Transfers allows public two-year students in Alabama to obtain a Transfer Guide/Agreement for the major of their choice. This guide/agreement, if used correctly, guides the student through their first two years of coursework and prevents loss of credit hours upon transfer to the appropriate public four-year university in Alabama. Although transfer guides/agreements can only be printed for two-year to four-year transfers, the Alabama Transfers Guide can still provide guidance and direction to transfer students who have a different transfer situation.

Students can access an Alabama Transfers Guide by clicking here –


Students desiring to withdraw from their class(es) should view the detailed procedures outlined here.