Wallace Community College FAQ’s - Wallace Community College

Wallace Community College FAQ’s

Welcome to the Wallace Community College Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page!

Browse the tabs below to see if your question or concern has already been answered. If you don’t find what you’re looking for, just submit your question through the form under the “ASK Wallace” Chatbot at the bottom of the page—we’re here to help!

Thank you for your interest in Wallace Community College!

About Wallace Community College

Wallace Community College is primarily accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools to award associate degrees. Students may contact the Commission on Colleges at 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, Georgia 30033-4097 or by phone at (404) 697-4500 for questions about the accreditation of Wallace Community College. Information regarding accreditations is included in the College Catalog and Student Handbook and on the College Web site. Click here for a full listing of accrediting entities for the College.

Wallace Community College is a comprehensive community college that offers instruction and services at multiple locations, including the Sparks Campus in Eufaula and the Wallace Campus in Dothan. Click here for additional information regarding College campus locations.

The Wallace Community College mission statement is as follows:

“George C. Wallace Community College – Dothan, a comprehensive community college, inspires and facilitates learning to prepare its constituents for current and emerging opportunities and to promote economic and social development.”

The College fulfills its mission through a clearly defined set of programs and services. These are outlined in the statement of vision, statement of values, statement of role and scope, strategic initiatives and related goals.

Click here for additional information regarding the College mission.

Wallace Community College has a diverse leadership team which is comprised of the President of the College and five deans:

  • Dr. Linda C. Young, President
  • Dr. Ashli Wilkins, Vice President and Dean, Institutional Services and Community Development
  • Mr. Mickey Baker, Dean, Student Student Success and Sparks Campus
  • Mr. Marc Nicholas, Dean, Business Affairs
  • Dr. George Norton, Dean, Student Affairs
  • Ms. Leslie Reeder, Dean, Instructional Affairs

Admissions & Records

Students entering Wallace Community College for the first time
Students may enter at the beginning of each term, fall, spring, or summer semesters. Students are encouraged to make application in advance of the term they wish to enroll.

Take the next exciting step toward your future! Visit the Admissions Page for everything you need to apply and get started at Wallace Community College. The journey begins here!

The application deadline for each term is the last day of drop/add and late registration.

Visit the Admissions Page for everything you need to apply and get started at Wallace Community College. Select your student type and jump into the Next Steps to launch your adventure!

Yes, high school students can take college courses in a program called dual enrollment. Dual enrollment classes allow high school students to take college level courses and receive BOTH college AND high school credit for the same course. The program builds upon the skills a student has learned in high school, yet the student gets a “head start” toward earning a degree or certificate.

There are three avenues of Dual Enrollment–Academic Transfer, Career-Technical programs, and Health Science programs. Academic transfer courses are classes such as English, history, psychology, mathematics, or sciences for students who plan to obtain a degree. Career-Technical courses offer students an opportunity to get ahead in their education by taking courses to obtain a skill, such as welding, drafting, automotive repair, criminal justice, medical assisting, air conditioning & refrigeration, industrial systems technology, or masonry. Health Science programs provide the necessary prerequisites to prepare to apply for admission into competitive Health Science programs after high school graduation.

Tuition at WCC is also significantly less than tuition at a four-year institution, and scholarships for Dual Enrollment may be available!

For additional information, please see the Dual Enrollment page.

Students returning to Wallace Community College after three or more terms of non-attendance,  are required to submit an updated Application for Re-admission and submit official transcripts from all postsecondary institutions attended since the last date of attendance at Wallace Community College.

Returning students are eligible for re-admission only if they are in good standing for their last term of attendance. Students who are not in good standing or who have not served designated suspension periods may request re-admission by appeal to the Admissions and Academic Standards Committee.

Please visit https://www.wallace.edu/admissions/

Yes, Wallace Community College admits international students.

For admission to Wallace Community College, international applicants must provide:

  1. A VISA recognized and accepted by the United States Government.
  2. An official translated copy of the high school/college transcript (translations must be completed by an organization affiliated with The National Association of Credential Evaluation Services; see www.naces.org for information)
  3. A minimum score on the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) exam (500 on the paper-based test, or 173 on the computer-based test, or 61 on the Internet-based test, or a minimum score ranging from 5.5 on the IELTS (International English Language Testing System) as determined by the college). Minimal TOEFL scores may be waived for students from the following countries: Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Australia (Australian English), Bahamas, Barbados, Belize (Belizean Kriol), Bermuda, the British Indian Ocean Territory, the British Virgin Islands, Canada (Canadian English), the Cayman Islands, England, the Falkland Islands, Gibraltar, Grenada, Guam, Guernsey (Channel Island English), Guyana, Ireland (Hiberno-English), Isle of Man (Manx English), Jamaica (Jamaican English), Jersey, Montserrat, Nauru, New Zealand (New Zealand English), Pitcairn Islands, St. Helena, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Singapore, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands, Trinidad and Tobago, the Turks and Caicos Islands, the United Kingdom, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and the United States.)
  4. A signed, notarized statement verifying adequate financial support
  5. Documentation demonstrating adequate health and life insurance, including a repatriation benefit, which must be maintained during all periods of enrollment
  6. A current and valid passport or other official documentation to verify lawful presence.
  7. A medical health history with proof of vaccinations.
  8. Payment of I-901 Student and Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS) Fee.

International applicants who fail to satisfy the requirements identified above will not be admitted to the College. Documents must be submitted by the applicable drop and add period.

Wallace Community College has partnered with Parchment to accept online transcript orders. Current students, former students and alumni are able to order their official transcripts 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Transcripts can be sent electronically or mailed in hard copy, depending on the receiving institution or destination. More information can be found on the transcript ordering page using the links below.

Current Students

Official transcripts are available through myWCC Experience. Current WCC students (active students and those enrolled for 12 or more months) will be able to conveniently order, send and track transcript orders directly through the myWCC Experience student portal.

Current student steps for ordering an official transcript:

1. Log into your myWCC Experience student portal (with your alabama.edu email address and password)
2. Select Student Landing Page card.
3. Select Order Official Transcript (follow on-screen directions)
4. Select Begin Order and follow instructions on the screen.

Unofficial transcripts are available through myWCC Experience. In order to obtain an unofficial transcript, please select that option after selecting Student Landing Page.

Former Students and Alumni

No WCC ID/email and password are required. This option is for former students who have not been enrolled for 12 or more months. Click here.

Course work transferred or accepted for credit toward an undergraduate program must represent collegiate course work relevant to the formal award. Course content and level of instruction must result in student competencies at least equivalent to those of students enrolled in the College’s undergraduate formal award programs. In assessing and documenting equivalent learning and qualified faculty members, the College may use recognized guides that aid in the evaluation of credit. Such guides include those published by the American Council on Education, the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers, and the National Association of Foreign Student Affairs.

Courses completed with a passing grade at other duly accredited institutions are accepted for transfer as potentially creditable toward graduation requirements. Transfer grades of “D” are accepted only when the transfer student’s cumulative GPA is 2.0 or above at the time of admission. If a student has a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or above, the “D” grade is accepted the same as for native students.

The status of your transcripts may be tracked in your myWCC Experience account under the student tab under admissions.

Verification of enrollment may be obtained by completing the Request for Services Form.

Students wishing to change their major can change it here.


Registration information may be obtained online at https://www.wallace.edu/campus-life-resources/counseling-advising/registration/.

First-time-college students must also attend a Student Orientation Advising and Registration (SOAR) session prior to registering for classes. New students will be provided information regarding registration during the SOAR session.

Traditional Course – A course that runs the entire semester in person and on campus.  Students are expected to attend all scheduled meetings in person.

Hybrid Course – A Hybrid Course combines traditional face-to-face learning in the classroom with online learning that students complete outside of the classroom. The work that students complete online complements the information that is covered in the classroom. Typically Hybrid courses will meet on campus one day of the week (unless otherwise specified by the instructor).

Online Course – Also known as an Internet Course is a course conducted over the internet through a learning management system (Canvas) without set scheduled class meeting times. (Asynchronous class)

  • Online courses require proctored assessments. Students may choose to test on-campus at no charge, or test remotely using Honorlock. The number of proctored assessments vary by course.

Virtual Course – Students will meet remotely at the regularly scheduled class time via Canvas. Your instructor will meet with you live. (Synchronous class)

  • Internet courses require proctored assessments. Students may choose to test on-campus at no charge, or test remotely using Honorlock. The number of proctored assessments vary by course.

Clinical Course – Experience-based instruction focused on real world activities, generally in healthcare and service occupation programs, offered in a real world environment, for the purpose of developing skills related to the discipline. A clinical practice laboratory is generally required in healthcare related fields. Work is normally completed in the learning environment, but may include out-of-class assignments. Clinical Practice is under the direct supervision of an instructor. Out-of-class assignments each week are used to prepare the student for the clinical experience.

Preceptorship – Advanced experience-based instruction, under the supervision of a licensed healthcare professional, for the purpose of enhancing occupational competencies. The course instructor works with the healthcare professional to determine the clinical assignments for students. The instructor must be readily available for consultation with the healthcare professionals.

Pre-registration for classes begins approximately a month and a half prior to the start of the next semester. Regular registration occurs immediately prior to the start of the next semester, generally one to two days before. See the Class Schedule at https://www.wallace.edu/campus-life-resources/counseling-advising/registration/ for specific dates.

A transient student must submit an Application for Admission and a transient letter from the institution which certifies and/or approves the courses to be taken at WCC. Once admitted, students can register online through myWCC Experience.

Students may also register in person at Advising Services on the Wallace Campus in Dothan and Advising Services on the Sparks Campus in Eufaula.

The course schedule is located online here. If in doubt, you may always visit Enrollment Services on the Wallace Campus in Dothan or Student Services on the Sparks Campus in Eufaula.

Students may obtain advisor information by accessing your myWCC Experience account. Advisor information is found under the Student tab, Student Landing page, Student Profile.

You may also obtain your advisor’s name in person at Enrollment Services on the Wallace Campus in Dothan or Student Services on the Sparks Campus in Eufaula.

If a student wishes to withdraw from a single class or totally withdrawal from the College, students on both the Wallace and Sparks Campuses must officially withdraw. Students can access the withdrawal information here.

Students may withdraw without penalty approximately two weeks prior to the beginning of final exams each semester. Please see the Academic Calendar for the exact date for your semester.

Financial Aid

The federal school code for Wallace Community College is 001018.

Wallace Community College participates in the Federal Pell Grant, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG), and the Federal Work Study program. The College also certifies Veterans for various benefits. Additionally, the College offers institutional and privately funded scholarships, as well as Workforce Investment Act funds.

For a complete list of the financial aid available, please refer to the College Catalog and Student Handbook or the financial aid Web page at https://www.wallace.edu/financial-aid/.

Wallace Community College awards Academic, Allied Health and Nursing, Athletic, Technical, Performing Arts and Diplomat scholarships that are awarded to student who excel academically, exhibit outstanding leadership skills or possess talent in the area of music or the arts. WCC also offers Senior Citizen waivers for tuition to our students aged 60 or over if space is available in the class(es). PACT (Prepaid Affordable College Tuition) is also a form of financial aid processed through the Financial Aid Office. Any scholarships outside of those awarded by Wallace Community College are accepted as well.  https://www.wallace.edu/scholarships/

Students may check the status of their financial aid by accessing their myWCC Experience account located on the WCC homepage. This account can be utilized to check for records that are required by the Financial Aid Office as well as the amount of any aid that has been awarded.

Under normal circumstances, the FAFSA application will be processed and sent to the schools listed on the application within five business days. Wallace Community College’s Financial Aid Office will correspond only with students who have placed our school code (001018) in the first position of the school codes choices.

Students may appeal the suspension of aid by completing the Request for Appeal – Suspension for Completion Rate/GPA form. Documentation of medical issues or extenuating circumstances is also required. The Request for Appeal form can be located on WCC home page by clicking the current students tab, then selected Records and online forms. The Director of Financial Aid will review all applications. After reviewing the documentation and the student file, the Director may place the student on financial aid PLAN, allowing aid to be reinstated or aid may remain suspended. Students will be notified in writing of the decision and requirements.


Students may apply for graduation by completing an Intent to Graduate Form. Interested students may contact Enrollment Services on the Wallace Campus in Dothan or Student Services on the Sparks Campus in Eufaula or online at https://www.wallace.edu/admissions/graduation-information/.

Student may apply for graduation by completing an Intent to Graduate Form. Interested students may contact Enrollment Services on the Wallace Campus in Dothan or Student Services on the Sparks Campus in Eufaula or online at https://www.wallace.edu/admissions/graduation-information/.

Students interested in participating in the graduation ceremony must pay a graduation fees of $21.50 for the diploma and cover and $39 for the cap and gown. This fee is subject to change. Current graduation fees are listed in the College Catalog and Student Handbook.

Wallace Community College has partnered with Parchment, Inc. to offer replacement diploma services for a cost of $21.50 per diploma.  Former graduates (or students who have not been enrolled for 12 or more months) can request a duplicate copy of their certificate or degree by creating an account in Parchment. The diploma will be mailed to the address listed on the account within 14 business days, a free secured digital copy will be sent to you at no charge immediately from Parchment.

Steps for ordering a replacement diploma:

  1. Click here and follow the instructions provided on the Parchment website
  2. Check your email and text messages for important pertinent notifications
  3. Follow the link to set up your Parchment credential account
  4. If desired, you may share your digital diploma on Facebook, LinkedIn, etc. via a verified link, or download a secure pdf version.

Your digital diploma or certificate will always be accessible online through your Parchment account.  You may login to your account and download or share your diploma or certificate as needed.

If you have additional questions, you may contact the Enrollment Services Office at (334) 556-2468.

Graduates who excel academically receive a notation on their diplomas in addition to their academic transcripts and are eligible to wear honor cords during the commencement ceremony.  Official final grades for the graduating semester are not available until after the semester has ended.  Consequently, walking with Latin honors is calculated based on the student’s most recent cumulative GPA. Latin honors GPA determinations for degrees are as follows:

  • Graduation with Highest Honor (Summa Cum Laude) – 3.90 – 4.0 grade point average
  • Graduation with High Honor (Magna Cum Laude) – 3.70 – 3.89 grade point average
  • Graduation with Honor (Cum Laude) 3.50 – 3.69 grade point average

Students earning certificates are recognized by the following designation:

  • Graduation with Distinction – 3.5 to 4.0 grade point average

Cords, stoles, pins and other graduation regalia indicating membership or participation in a recognized student organization or honor society and which is distributed directly to the student by an approved student organization or honor society sponsor may be worn at commencement.  It is the student’s responsibility to obtain the regalia in advance and bring it to the commencement ceremony.  This type of regalia is not distributed on commencement day or at the commencement ceremony.  More information on approved student clubs and organizations can be found HERE.

Business Office

A tuition and fees chart may be found in the Wallace Community Catalog and Student Handbook, the current Schedule of Course Offerings and on the Website at https://www.wallace.edu/tuition-and-fees/.

Tuition deadlines are published each term on the College website. Tuition can be paid online, at the Business Office in Grimsley Hall on the Wallace Campus in Dothan or at the Bookstore/Business Office in Building A on the Sparks Campus in Eufaula.

How Do I Pay for Classes?

Refunds are generated according to drop date or withdrawal date and will be mailed to the student’s address on file.

Refunds are mailed within three to four weeks following the end of the refund period.

1098T’s are mailed by January 31 of each year.

Canvas & Online Accounts

All currently admitted students have access to the Canvas learning management system. To access Canvas students will need to use a web browser to access https://alabama.instructure.com

Logging in to Canvas

  • Log in using your Alabama.edu credentials (A#@alabama.edu and password that you created).

**Safety Tip** There is NO Canvas app available for laptop or desktop computers. If you are using a mobile device, make sure to download the Canvas Student App exclusively from the official Google Play Store or Apple App Store.

Haven’t claimed your Alabama.edu account yet?

Check your Personal Email for a message from “noreply@rapididentity.com” – Check your spam folder! The subject line is Activate your Alabama.edu Account.

If you still do not see it and you haven’t processed your claim code for the new account, send an email to “helpdesk@wallace.edu” requesting a new claim code email. Remember to include your name AND A# in the email.

Follow the instructions in the email to claim your Alabama.edu account.

Instructions for accessing the myWCC Experience system can be found here: https://www.wallace.edu/mywcc/.

Student Email login page is found by clicking on this link: https://www.wallace.edu/stuemail

Your Alabama.edu (A12345678@alabama.edu) account will be used for:

  • Canvas
  • MyWCC Experience
  • Wallace Forms
  • Office 365 applications
    • Office Apps
    • Email
    • OneDrive

*Use your GovNET account to login to computers on campus.

Haven’t claimed your Alabama.edu account yet?

Check your Personal Email for a message from “noreply@rapididentity.com” – Check your spam folder! The subject line is Activate your Alabama.edu Account.

If you still do not see it and you haven’t processed your claim code for the new account, send an email to “helpdesk@wallace.edu” requesting a new claim code email. Remember to include your name AND A# in the email.

Follow the instructions in the email to claim your Alabama.edu account.

Information about Govnet password or user name can be found here https://www.wallace.edu/campus-life-resources/technology-helpdesk/govnet-information/ 

*Use your GovNET account to login to computers on campus.

Books & Materials

Wallace Community College’s Bookstore is now operated by Barnes & Noble.

Barnes & Noble is offering Wallace Books+, a program that helps reduce the cost of materials, while also ensuring students conveniently receive all the required course materials before the first day of class.

Through this new program, physical books will be conveniently packaged and provided to students on a rental basis, and digital materials will be delivered directly within Canvas. At the end of the term, students will receive email reminders to return their physical course materials to the bookstore.

For more detailed information please see the Wallace Books+ FAQ’s.

On the Dothan campus, the bookstore is located in Cunningham Hall, Room 408.

On the Sparks campus, the campus can be found in the Administration Building.

Dual Enrollment students do not participate in Wallace Books+ but may still order their textbooks from the Barnes & Noble Bookstore by clicking here.  Books and/or Access codes are an out-of-pocket expense and are not covered by scholarship or grant funding.

Helpful “How-To” on ordering books and access codes

WCC Bookstore Contact Information:

Phone:  (334) 556-2240

Email: sm8492@bncollege.com


Online Courses Information
Wallace Community College offers online courses that do not require weekly attendance on-campus. The online courses offered at Wallace Community College are based on the same instructional outcomes and objectives as traditional on-campus classes. These classes require as much or more commitment as any class offered on campus.

*Internet or Online courses require proctored assessments. Students may choose to test on-campus or test remotely using Honorlock (computer, webcam, and stable internet is required). The number of proctored assessments vary by course.

You may contact the individual course instructor for further information on course exam requirements. You will find the instructor’s last name listed in the course schedule. Course schedules are linked on the College’s website at https://www.wallace.edu/

If you need further assistance feel free to E-mail the Helpdesk at helpdesk@wallace.edu or call (334) 556-2464.

If you are interested in taking courses at Wallace Community College the following information may be helpful:

Information for prospective students is located here: https://www.wallace.edu/admissions/

You can visit the Distance Learning page for more information regarding technical requirements.

Direct login to Canvas: https://alabama.instructure.com

Wallace Community College offers seven different program options with associated programs of study. These include the associate in arts degree, associate in science degree, associate in applied science degree, certificate programs, non-degree academic transfer, non-degree technical transfer, and selected enrichment courses. Additional information on each of these may be found in the College Catalog and Student Handbook under “Programs of study” located in the index in the back of the catalog. The following is a list of programs primarily designed to prepare students for immediate employment:

  1. Accounting Technology
  2. Air Conditioning/ Refrigeration
  3. Associate Degree Nursing
  4. Automotive Technology
  5. Business Computer Applications
  6. Child Development
  7. Cosmetology
  8. Court Reporting
  9. Criminal Justice
  10. Electrical Technology
  11. Emergency Medical Services
  12. Emergency Medical Technician
  13. Engineering Graphics
  14. Esthetics Technology
  15. Industrial Systems Technology
  16. Masonry Technology
  17. Medical Assisting
  18. Office Administration
  19. Phlebotomy
  20. Physical Therapist Assistant
  21. Practical Nursing
  22. Radiologic Technology
  23. Respiratory Therapist
  24. Supervisory Management
  25. Surgical Technology
  26. Welding Technology

Each WCC program of study has a list of courses required for their completion. The courses for each program may be found in College Catalog and Student Handbook under “Programs of study”. A copy of the Catalog may be viewed at https://catalog.wallace.edu/.

Students are expected to attend all scheduled class meetings and laboratory sessions for their courses. The grades of students who miss scheduled exams, unscheduled quizzes, and deadlines for submitting assignments may be negatively affected by their absence. Because of unique circumstances not all missed assignments, exams, or quizzes may be made up. Examples of excused absences include serious illness, a death in the immediate family, military obligations, or official College business.

The specific attendance policy for each class will be found in the course syllabus provided to you on the first day of class, where it will also clearly state the penalties for absences. Attendance policies applicable to a specific instructional program may be more restrictive than the College policy. More information on attendance may be found in the College Catalog and Student Handbook under “Attendance Policy”.

Full-time status is 12 semester hours.

For a complete listing of workforce development courses, visit https://www.wallace.edu/programs-training/fast-track-workforce-development-training-programs/.

For additional information, please call (334) 556-2203.

Student Services

The ACCUPLACER Inventory is administered several times each term and dates vary. Specific information regarding the ACCUPLACER Inventory may be found at https://www.wallace.edu/testing-assessments/accuplacer-inventory/

It is the policy of Wallace Community College to provide reasonable accommodations for environmental and program accessibility for individuals with a disability as defined in Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, and The Americans with disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA). Students are responsible for reporting their needs to the ADA Compliance Officer and providing proper documentation of their disabilities at least six weeks before a term begins. Support services may vary depending on the disability and/or courses being taken. For detailed information on available services and eligibility, contact the ADA Compliance Officer on the Wallace Campus at (334) 556-2587 or on the Sparks Campus at (334) 687-3543, extension 4270 or visit the Disability Support Services webpage.

Wallace Community College offers personal and career counseling services to all students:

Personal Counseling

Wallace staff  will refer students to an appropriate agency or other source of help. Referral resources include agencies such as Wiregrass United Way, The Family Service Center Barbour (The Clearing House), Spectra Care, The House of Ruth, etc.

Wiregrass United Way serves 6 counties in the Wiregrass area.  You can dial 211 for a live resource guide.

Uwill Teletherapy: Instant Free Limited Teletherapy Access for Students, Faculty, and Staff https://www.wallace.edu/campus-life-resources/counseling-advising/uwill/

Emergency Crisis Lines available 24/7

  • National Suicide Prevention Lifeline- dial 988
  • Crisis Text Line-text HOME to 741741
  • House of Ruth, women’s domestic violence and sexual assault shelter  (334) 793-2232
  • Addictions.com  1 (800) 926-9037

Student Advising

Wallace Community College’s Advising Center offers career assessment and  pathway planning for all students.  Make an appointment with our Advising Center or email advising@wallace.edu for your free assessment code.

For more information on Advising services available, please click here.

Wallace Community College is proud to recognize outstanding students who excel in academics, athletics, or extra-curricular activities at an Honors Day ceremony, typically held each year in April.

This year, the ceremonies will be conducted virtually and posted to the College’s social media accounts for viewing.

The College requires ALL students to possess a photo student identification (ID) to aid in the security of the campuses.  Students can obtain a digital or standard ID as the official means of identification at Wallace Community College; however, students attending courses that physically meet on any of the College campuses must obtain a standard photo ID each academic year.

Student IDs may be obtained in the libraries on the Wallace and Sparks Campuses. 

New online students will receive a digital ID email invitation at the beginning of  each semester.  If you are a returning student, you will continue to use your originally issued digital ID.

A smart phone is required for the digital ID.  If you do not possess a smart phone, please contact: Ms. Daymesha Reed- 334.983.3521 ext. 2477

Please follow the link for more information on our student ID policy.

Print cards may be purchased in the Wallace Campus Business Office located in Grimsley Hall, and the Sparks Campus Business Office located in the A Building.


Students may sign up for WCC Alert by following these steps

Go to https://www.wallace.edu/campus-life-resources/campus-safety/wcc-alert/
Click the “Click here to sign up for this system” tab and follow the instructions.

WCC Alert 2

All students are required to have a Parking Decal. There is no charge for decals. Students may request a decal from the Switchboard operator located in the CTC building or the Campus Police Station on the Wallace Campus. On the Sparks Campus students can obtain a decal in the Admissions Office located in the Administration building.

You will need to have the following information with you to complete the registration:

  • Vehicle Make
  • Vehicle Year
  • Vehicle Model
  • Vehicle Color
  • Tag Number
  • Student Number
  • Driver’s License Number
  • Legal Owner of the Vehicle’s
    • Name
    • Relationship
    • Address

Decals are mounted on the right rear window of your vehicle.

Each year, Wallace Community College prepares a “Campus Security and Crime Report” and distributes it to the College community. The report, which is issued by October 1, contains detailed information on campus police and security personnel, drug and alcohol abuse policies, sexual harassment policies, crime prevention, crime prevention tips, information on reporting criminal activity, and timely warnings regarding campus emergencies. The report also includes statistics concerning crimes on campus. A complete report of crime statistics may be found at http://ope.ed.gov/security/

Nursing & Allied Health Programs

Students entering the nursing and allied health programs are required to have a high school diploma or GED and meet other requirements outlined for the specific program. Specific admission requirements for each program may be found at the following site https://www.wallace.edu/programs-training/health/health-science-application-information/.

WCC has several nursing program options,  practical nursing (PN), associate degree nursing (ADN),and LPN to ADN Mobility. The application process for each may be found by clicking the following links:

Adult Education

To enroll in the GED program, one must first attend orientation. For an orientation schedule in Ashford, Abbeville, Headland or Dothan, call (334) 556-2373 or 1-800-543-2426, extension 2373.

For an orientation schedule in Clayton or Eufaula, call (334) 619-3000 or 1 (800) 543-2426, extension 4239.

Free classes are available throughout the year at several locations in Dothan, Abbeville, Ashford, Clayton, Eufaula, and Headland. Class schedules include morning, afternoon, and evening sessions. Classes are available to adults age 17 and older who are no longer enrolled in high school.

For additional information, call (334) 556-2373 or 1 (800) 543-2426, extension 2373.

A test date will be assigned to the student when he/she registers for the GED test.

GED results will be mailed to the student in approximately 4 weeks from the date of the test. Additional copies may be obtained by calling 1 (800) 392-8086.

Student Involvement

The Office of Student Life offers student activities, organizations, programs, and services that promote leadership, academic support, and social and cultural experiences. Such activities include, but not limited to, Welcome Week festivities, a Fall Festival, Deck the Halls, Spring Fling, and Black History Month celebrations, all held on both campuses.

Click here to view the Student Event Calendar

For a detailed look at our student organizations, please click here.

Please contact Daymesha Reed, Student Life Coordinator, for more information on how to join a campus organization or get involved in student activities.

Ms. Reed may be reached at dreed@wallace.edu or (334) 556-2477.

Wallace Community College participates in men’s baseball and women’s softball programs. Both programs are affiliated with and under the jurisdiction of the Alabama Community College Conference (ACCC) and the National Junior College Athletic Association (NCJAA).

For additional information on our athletic programs, please contact Dr. Ryan Spry, Athletic Director, at rspry@wallace.edu or (334) 556-2587.